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Would You Go?

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7

Isaiah 43:2 — When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

God promises to care for us in hard times. Sometimes we pray and ask God to reveal Himself to us, to demonstrate His love for us. We want to know that He is real and that He is near us. Sometimes God answers those prayers in unexpected ways.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego met God personally in a fiery furnace in Babylon. God liberated them and ministered to them in the intense heat of the flames that never touched them. 

What if God said, “Come, join Me in the fiery furnace and get to know me there.” Would you go?

Peter got to know Jesus in the midst of a storm on the Sea of Galilee. Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water for a bit, but then began to sink beneath the waves when he took his eyes off the Lord. Peter cried out, “Lord, save me,” and was kept from drowning. Peter got to know the saving power and love of Jesus in that moment. 

What if Jesus said, “Come, join Me in the fierce storm and spend time getting to know me there.” Would you go?

Sometimes the fiery trial and the fierce storms of life are the places where we can get to know God more deeply and personally. The Lord leads us through the valley of the shadow of death to realize that He is with us in the hard times as well as the good times. Jesus says, “Follow Me. I will be with you.”

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“What if Jesus said, “Come, join Me in the fierce storm and spend time getting to know me there.” Would you go?”

Yes, God!

If I have to, I would go with you.

But tell me and show me!

How should I go through deep water?

Thank you, you are with me!

...2024년 6월 29일 묵상

“예수님께서 “와서 나와 함께 거대한 폭풍 속에 들어가 그곳에서 나를 알아가는 시간을 보내라”고 말씀하시면 어떨까요? 가시겠어요?“

네, 하나님!

꼭 그래야 한다면 당신과 함께 가겠습니다.

하지만 나에게 말해주세요 또 보여주세요!

깊은 물을 어떻게 통과해야 합니까?

감사합니다. 나와 함께 계셔 주셔서요!

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