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Eternal Life in God's Son

Today’s Reading: John 4:7-14

John 4:14 — “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

God promises eternal life. In John 17:3, Jesus said, “This is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Eternal life is a relationship with God. 

Eternal life does not begin when we die and go to heaven. Eternal life began when we received God’s forgiveness and grace for salvation, when we believed in Jesus and invited Him to come into us and live as our Savior.

When we drank the living water Christ offered us, we entered into a relationship with Him. Jesus connected us to the Father and put the Holy Spirit in us so that we could commune with the fullness of God. Eternal life is in God’s Son (1 John 5:11).

When we have a personal relationship with Jesus, we taste eternity. We tap into the eternal spring of water, which is the Holy Spirit living within us, and we receive God’s eternal thoughts through His word. We experience and express God’s character and nature as the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit are produced in us.

The quality of our Christian life depends on how interested we are in knowing Jesus. Is Jesus merely an acquaintance? Is Jesus a close friend? Or is Jesus your bridegroom, the one your soul longs for, the one to whom you say, “Come, Lord Jesus!” because you desire to be one with Him forever? 

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