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You Need the Light!


John 12:46 — I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in Me may not remain in darkness.

Jesus came into the world as light because people were dying in darkness. People suffer from the absence of light. Physically and spiritually, light is necessary for a healthy life.

Studies show that people who are not exposed to light suffer chronic health problems and have shorter lives. Mentally, those who live in darkness have impaired cognitive functions, depression, and anxiety. We were made to live in relationship to the light of the sun. Without light, we do not function normally.

Spiritually, our souls and spirits were made to live in Christ’s light, the light of the Son of God. Without the divine illumination of Jesus, we have problems in our souls. Our minds, emotions, wills, consciences, and consciousnesses will be impaired. We will have wrong beliefs that keep us in spiritual darkness and destroy our relationship with God.

What happens when you put a green plant in a dark closet? It dies for lack of light. The same happens to a human soul. The soul, too, will fail to thrive. We need belief in Jesus in order to receive His light that causes us to thrive and grow spiritually. What is the use of a healthy physical body when the soul and spirit are dead? You and I were made to live in the light of Christ so that we are complete in Him, spirit, soul, and body.

In heaven, there will be no darkness since the true Light, Jesus Christ, will be ever present among us. There will be no sin, sickness, or death in the life-giving light of God’s Son. Jesus came to be our light. Don’t remain in darkness. Be like a little, green plant, and embrace Christ’s light and live!

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