Today’s Reading: Psalm 91
Psalm 91:11 — For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go.
God promises true security. The government creates programs to ensure the physical well-being of citizens. These programs are often referred to as “safety nets” and provide income, healthcare, and other services to low income individuals. God offers Himself to be a spiritual safety net for our souls and spirits. He does not make us pay taxes to underwrite the cost of His protection. God’s security is free for the asking.
Psalm 91:9 tells us the condition of our security; we have to make the Lord our dwelling place. God offers Himself to be our shelter and deliverer, but we must choose to say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
When we place our faith and trust in God to be our refuge and fortress, He gladly becomes our spiritual security. Night and day, the Lord will watch over you, spirit, soul, and body too. God will order His angels to protect you wherever you go. Can you imagine that? Angelic body guards? That’s VVIP treatment!
To receive this sort of protection we must hold fast to the Lord in love and always remember to call His name (91:14). When we call to Him, He will answer us and be right there with us in our trouble, protecting us from the worst harm. But if we do not hold fast to the Lord, if we put our trust in ourselves, other people, or other things, we will forget to call on Him. We will be left insecure and vulnerable to harm until we wake up and scream, “Help me, Jesus!”
Peter was walking on the stormy sea until He took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the storm and at himself. Then he immediately plunged under the waves and became overwhelmed by raging waters. But Peter remembered to cry out, “Lord, save me!” (Matthew 14:22-33). Jesus is the name we call on for security. His hand is the one that reaches out and draws us into the safety of His presence. Make Jesus your dwelling place today, the God in whom you trust.
“When we call to Him, He will answer us and be right there with us in our trouble, protecting us from the worst harm.”
It seems that the bravest people in the world are those who live without God. When you stand on the edge of life, what is it that you are so brave to grab? Nothing in this world is permanent. There is nothing that does not change. But as long as I do not leave, God is always there. He says, “I am your refuge and your fortress where you will dwell safely.” Thank Jesus!
2024년 4월 25일 묵상
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