Proverbs 15:8 — The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but He delights in the prayers of the upright.
Proverbs 28:9 says, “If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.” Wicked people do not hear and obey God’s Word, but do what is right to them in their own eyes. They may even think they are being spiritual, but they are not. They may put on a religious show and offer something to God sacrificially, but God detests their hypocrisy.
God is not interested in people who attempt to “keep up appearances” of religious behavior. The religious Pharisee who was confident in his religious appearances exalted himself in his public prayer (Luke 18:9-14). The Pharisee was upright in his own eyes, but not in God’s eyes.
The tax collector who prayed was honest. He did not put on a religious show. He simply prayed, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” Jesus said that the tax collector went home justified. The Lord delights in the prayers of the upright, those who come to God by faith in God’s grace and mercy.
When we pray, we should pray with integrity and honesty, recognizing God’s greatness and goodness and where we stand in His sight. We do not need to run ourselves down to make ourselves seem humble. It is enough to acknowledge that we are sinners in need of God’s favor. We are the upright only because of Christ in whom we stand. We are upright when we live in obedience to God’s Word as one of God’s people.
Let us live uprightly today, bringing delight to the Lord in what we say and do by faith in Him.
01/17/2025 Devotional
"Proverbs 15:8 — The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but He delights in the prayers of the upright."
잠언 15:8 RNKSV
[8] 악한 사람의 제사는 주님께서 역겨워하시지만, 정직한 사람의 기도는 주님께서 기뻐하신다.
Proverbs 3:21, 23 NLT
[21] My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them,
[23] They keep you safe on your way, and your feet will not stumble.
잠언 3:21, 23 RNKSV
[21] 아이들아, 건전한 지혜와 분별력을 모두 잘 간직하여 너의 시야에서 떠나지 않게 하여라.
[23] 그 때에 너는 너의 길을 무사히 갈 것이며, 너의 발은 걸려 넘어지지 않을