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The Lord's Battle


1 Samuel 17:47 — Know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.

Goliath was a big man. God was bigger. Goliath had a big spear. David had a little stone, but his weapon did not matter. Goliath had a big, loud, boastful mouth, but he also had a very great fall before a little shepherd boy who wore no armor.

Everything about Goliath was bigger and seemed better for defeating a foe in battle. If Goliath had been fighting a man, he probably would have won, but Goliath was fighting an opponent he could never defeat. Nobody can fight and defeat the Lord.

The Lord does not need any manmade weapon to win a battle. Omnipotence guarantees victory every time. Once David entrusted the battle to God, Goliath was certain to fall.

God’s people encounter spiritual warfare every day. Some battles are minor skirmishes, little temptations placed in our pathways to try to knock us off our feet. Other battles are major attacks against our souls designed to paralyze us with fear, guilt, shame, or discouragement so that we surrender to the enemy and quit fighting the good fight of faith. Any battle, great or small, can be too much for us to fight on our own and win. We must make every battle the Lord’s battle.

When the attack comes, we hit our knees in prayer and cry out to our valiant warrior-king, Jesus, to deliver us through His Word and His Spirit. Like the little stone from David’s sling, one word from God’s mouth can save us. Just one word from the mouth of the Lord can make the enemy flee. The battle is the Lord’s, so entrust it to Him.

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01/10/2025 Devotional

사무엘기상 17:47 RNKSV

[47] 또 주님께서는 칼이나 창 따위를 쓰셔서 구원하시는 것이 아니라는 것을, 여기에 모인 이 온 무리가 알게 하겠다. 전쟁에서 이기고 지는 것은 주님께 달린 것이다. 주님께서 너희를 모조리 우리 손에 넘겨 주실 것이다.”

"We must make every battle the Lord’s battle.

When the attack comes, we hit our knees in prayer and cry out to our valiant warrior-king, Jesus, to deliver us through His Word and His Spirit."

주님과 동행하는 삶을 산다고 골리앗을 안 만나는게 아니다. 내삶을 주님께 위임하지 않으면 깊은 절망에 맞 닥쳤을때 갈곳이 없다.나는 어느 방향으로 가고 있는가! 생각해 볼 일이다.

Living a life with the Lord does not mean there will be no Goliath. If I do not give - entrust-my lif…

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