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The Head, Not The Tail


Deuteronomy 28:13 — The LORD will make you the head and not the tail.

God promised His people that they, as a nation, would be leaders and not followers if they followed His commandments. Interesting! If we follow the Lord, we will have the blessing of being leaders in life.

God’s promise was fulfilled during the reigns of David and Solomon. Because they obeyed God’s Word (for most of their lives), Israel was a strong, prosperous nation. But when the kings who reigned after these men stopped listening to the Lord, their kingdoms weakened, became the tail, and eventually ceased to exist.

In Isaiah 9:13-16, Isaiah speaks out against Israel’s leaders who were not seeking after God. Isaiah says that God will cut off both the head and tail of Israel because they were living in opposition to God’s order.

The powerful and affluent were dictating the policy of the nation, and the prophets were acting as “yes-men” and lying, saying that God approved. Instead of being the head and communicating God’s thoughts to the leadership (who should have followed God’s words), the prophets were being the tail. God warned that both head and tail would be cut off unless the order was reversed.

When we, Christ’s body, follow Jesus and let Him be the head of our lives, which is His proper place, we will experience the blessing of being connected to the Head. God wants you to be a spiritual leader in life who can show others the blessings of a relationship with God Almighty. Don’t get dragged along by your flesh or the world as a tail. Grow up into Christ who is the Head (Ephesians 4:14-15)!

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