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The Grace Escape


2024/06/19 Devotional

Today’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

1 Corinthians 10:13 — No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

God promises a way of escape from temptation. The Israelites faced many temptations in the wilderness, and because they were earthly-minded, they gave in to temptation. They worshiped idols, and they murmured and complained against Moses. They all suffered and many died as a result.

Paul wrote that what happened to Israel was recorded in Scripture as an example for us to warn us, so that we do not fall into the same pattern of sin. We must be very careful to guard our hearts against thinking evil against a brother or sister in Christ.

It is very easy to be tempted to entertain thoughts that are not thoughts of love and grace when we live in our flesh and allow the old heart to judge others. Israel looked at the other nations and thought back to the past and thought, “Moses has brought us out here to the wilderness to die. The old days were better. We need to be more like the other nations. We need other gods.”

The Bible says that our souls cleave to the dust (Psalm 119:25). This means that our minds and emotions gravitate to the earthly and unspiritual ways of thinking, and we let our feelings govern us. When we cleave to the dust, we speak from the dust like the voice of a ghost, a dead person (Isaiah 29:4). We allow the enemy to use our vocal cords to express thoughts that are ungodly and bring death.

God promises a way of escape from this kind of temptation. The way of escape is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to meditate on God’s words, to set our minds on things above, and to think no evil, but think thoughts of grace, peace, and love toward our brothers and sisters in Christ’s body.

Please, God, help me to escape the temptation to speak ungracious words that are not Your thoughts. Amen.

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2) 어떻게 위에 있는 것에 정신을 쏟을 수 있을까요? 수요일 저녁과 주일 오전 예배를 최우선으로 삼아 보십시오.

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잠언 16:9 KLB

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