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The Goodness of God


2024/12/30 Devotional

Psalm 23:6 — Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.

There is a song called The Goodness of God that uses Psalm 23 as a basis for some of its lyrics. Psalm 23 is a comforting, uplifting psalm for so many people in times of tragedy, loss, and pain. Confessing that God’s ”goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life” brings the light of hope into a time of darkness.

I remember being with a woman who received Christ on her deathbed in the hospital. She finally let Jesus come into her heart and save her after years of refusing to believe. When she heard the words of Psalm 23, she felt a peace she had never known before in her life, and she wanted to hear those words again and again.

But you do not have to be in a dark, tragic situation to appreciate the words of this psalm. You can sing The Goodness of God as a tribute to God’s faithfulness. Recently, some members of our church went on a missions trip to an area where people have very few modern conveniences and survive on little money. Those people sang with joy in their hearts and smiles beaming on their faces about the goodness of God in their lives.

This morning I woke up with a bad cold. I was feverish all night and had sweat through my night clothes. But when I read this verse this morning, my heart was lifted up with such powerful grace and peace. Sure, I am barking like a dog when I cough, but God is so very good to me. His goodness and love are following me every moment! In good times and bad times, God is with us, ministering His love and grace. Let’s thank God today for how He has brought us to the end of another year.

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Dec 30, 2024

12/30/2024 Devotional

" His goodness and love are following me every moment! In good times and bad times, God is with us, ministering His love and grace."

그분의 선함과 사랑이 매 순간 나를 따라다닙니다! 좋은 때나 나쁜 때나, 하나님은 우리와 함께하시며, 그분의 사랑과 은혜를 베푸십니다

시편 23:1, 3-6 RNKSV

[1] 주님은 나의 목자시니, 내게 부족함 없어라.

[3] 나에게 다시 새 힘을 주시고, 당신의 이름을 위하여 바른 길로 나를 인도하신다. [4] 내가 비록 죽음의 그늘 골짜기로 다닐지라도, 주님께서 나와 함께 계시고, 주님의 막대기와 지팡이로 나를 보살펴 주시니, 내게는 두려움이 없습니다. [5] 주님께서는, 내 원수들이 보는 앞에서 내게 잔칫상을 차려 주시고, 내 머리에 기름 부으시어 나를 귀한 손님으로 맞아 주시니, 내 잔이 넘칩니다. [6] 진실로 주님의 선하심과 인자하심이 내가 사는 날 동안…

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