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The Economy of Grace


Psalm 84:11 — The Lord will give grace and glory.

God’s economy is an economy of grace. In a grace economy, the currency is faith in Jesus Christ. By faith in Christ, we have been made children of the King of kings whose kingdom operates by grace. God only deals with His children in grace.

Our faith and our sonship grant us access to the most valuable resource that exists: God Himself. There is nothing more precious, more valuable, than an intimate relationship with Almighty God.

What does it cost to have this access? It cost the life of Jesus Christ, God the Son. God gave everything He had to make His economy of grace available to anyone who will come to Christ by faith for salvation.

In God’s economy of grace, everything is free. We do not work to make God love us, accept us, or be pleased with us. Jesus Christ did all the work necessary for us to enter into the holiest place of all where we can enjoy the life-giving pleasure of God’s presence.

“The Lord will give grace and glory” is a promise come true for the believer. And 1 Peter 1:13 tells us that we can look forward to a facet of God’s grace we have not experienced yet — the glorification phase of our salvation by grace through faith. Look forward to it!

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