Genesis 13:14-15 — “Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward, for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever.“
What had Abraham done to deserve such a blessing like the one God promised in Genesis 13:14-17? When you read the story of Abraham’s life from Genesis 12:1-13:13, the only spiritual things that he had done were to obey God by faith and build altars to call upon the name of the Lord. Evidently, God was pleased.
By grace, Abraham was chosen by God to become the father of God’s chosen people. God chose a man whose wife could not have children to be the father of a nation. God said to Abraham, “Go…and I will bless you“ and “Abraham went” (Genesis 12:1-4). Abraham’s simple faith in God’s words led to God’s blessings.
When Abraham arrived in the land God had promised, he built an altar to the Lord and worshiped Him. Abraham called upon the name of the Lord at each altar he built. Abraham made offerings to God and spoke to God in worship.
Faith, obedience, and worship go together. They are all crucial elements of a believer’s walk with the Lord. God was so pleased by Abraham’s simple, obedient faith that God gave Abraham the greatest of all blessings—the gift of righteousness (Genesis 15:6). “For by grace you have been saved through faith” (Ephesians 2:8). God graciously saves and blesses those who place their faith in Him and His holy Word. What we believe matters. Who we believe in matters. Have faith in God for your life today.
12/13/2024 Devotional
" Faith, obedience, and worship go together."
When Jesus visited the Earth in the form of servant, he showed that the hand of God is not too big for the smallest person in the world. It is hand engraved with our individual names and engraved also with wounds, the cost to God of loving us so much. He loves us so that He comes to the earth and dies for us. To the question "Do I matter?Jesus is indeed the answer.
" Faith, obedience, and worship go together." To the question "Do I really matter?" Yes, " Faith, obedience, and worship go together with Jesus."
12/13/2024 묵상
"믿음, 순종, 예배는 함께갑니다."
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