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Spiritual Thinking


Today’s Reading: Romans 8:18-27

Romans 8:26 — And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

God promises the Spirit’s help in weakness. Paul uses the example of prayer to illustrate how the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. He says that we don’t know what God wants us to pray for, so lack of knowledge is a kind of weakness. Lack of knowledge is a serious weakness, but the Spirit can help us.

Isaiah wrote that the people were going into exile for lack of knowledge (Isaiah 5:13). The people were so interested in pleasures that they did not think about God and what He was doing. They could have thought about the Lord, but they chose to think about themselves instead. Isaiah said that they would starve and die of thirst because they had no knowledge of God.

Hosea said that God’s people were being destroyed for lack of knowledge. The priests refused to know God or remember God’s words (Hosea 4:6). Idols were more interesting to the priests than God was. The priests forgot the Lord, so they and the people they led were destroying themselves.

Knowing God is so important. Having God and His words in our thoughts preserves our lives and keeps us from being taken captive by the enemy. We will never have all knowledge of God; that is impossible. But we can set our minds on the things of God (Mark 8:33) and the things of the Spirit (Romans 8:5-6) and experience life and peace.

The Holy Spirit makes up for our weakness, our lack of perfect knowledge, and prays mighty prayers for us. The Spirit probably prays for us to keep our minds set on things above and not things that are on the earth (Colossians 3:2). Instead of being preoccupied by our natural thoughts today, let us have the mind of Christ that thinks God’s thoughts from God’s Word and God’s Spirit, so that we can have life and peace.

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Thank you, Jesus!

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주님, 감사합니다!


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Thank you, Jesus!

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