2024/06/16 Devotional
Today’s Reading: Psalm 37:1-24
Psalm 37:4 — Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
God promises that our trust in Him is worthwhile. The Hebrew word for delight in Psalm 37:4 is “anog” and it means to luxuriate in pleasure. A newlywed couple delights themselves in the marriage bed on their honeymoon. They become one flesh in a sexual union and intimately enjoy one another.
We are exhorted to delight in the Lord. We are to take pleasure in getting to know Him intimately. The Lord’s love is luxurious. God lavishes those He loves with the pleasure of His presence, with His very life.
God’s love defies natural economics. Usually when the supply of something exceeds demand, the value of that commodity decreases. But God’s love is priceless even though its supply is infinite.
We were so poor in our natural, fallen state, like Cinderella. We served the devil, the world, and the old sin nature like Cinderella served her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. But then the Holy Spirit and the Gospel introduced us to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, and He made us His beloved. Christ wants us to trust Him as our spiritual husband and to delight in His love for us.
When we become one flesh with Jesus, when we are in spiritual union with Him, His desires are our desires as our hearts are knit together in love. All that our new, spiritual heart desires are Christ’s desires for my life, and He grants those desires. Don’t you want to delight yourself in the Lord today? Don’t you want to know Him more intimately and to live a life that is satisfied by Him?
“Christ wants us to trust Him as our spiritual husband and to delight in His love for us.”
Trusting God means that even if it seems impossible to me, God can make it possible. So rude people... What should I do? Have to wait? Until God works...
I can only trust you.
Thank you, Jesus!
...2024년 6월 16일 묵사애
“그리스도께서는 우리가 그분을 영적 남편으로 신뢰하고 우리를 향한 그분의 사랑을 기뻐하기를 원하십니다.”
하나님을 신뢰한다는건 내 생각에 불가능해 보여도 하나님은 가능하게 하실수 있다는 것을 뜻하는 것이다. 너무나 무례한 사람들…어떻게 해야하나? 기다려야 한다? 하나님이 일하실 때까지..주님만 의지합니다