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Safe to Serve


Today’s Reading: Luke 1:67-80

Luke 1:78 — We have been rescued from our enemies so we can serve God without fear.

God promises safety for service. Have you ever been afraid that you might say the wrong thing? You want to share the gospel, but something makes you fearful. You fear that you will not know what to say and that you will look like a fool. Or you fear that you will say something incorrectly and that will cause someone to misunderstand and reject the gospel. Fear is a terrible enemy.

Sometimes we fear that when we share the gospel, we will lose our friends or become that family member the other family members avoid talking to. Nobody enjoys rejection or being labeled as a lunatic or a loser.

But we can serve God without fear, since we have been rescued from our enemies by Jesus Christ. Jesus risked doing all the things that we often fear. His family misunderstood Him. His friends, the disciples, often misunderstood Him, and one of them betrayed Him. Jesus was called a liar, a lunatic, a glutton, a drunkard, a womanizer, and a man possessed by demons. Still, Jesus served God without fear.

Jesus did not come to earth to please people, but to please God and save the souls of the people who rejected and hated Him. By faith in God’s care and protection, Jesus spoke the words that His Father gave to Him and did the works His Father directed Him to do. We should thank God that Jesus did this for the sake of our salvation.

Jesus operated in God’s perfect love that casts out fear (1 John 4:18). This love brought Jesus to the cross to die in our place. You may ask, “How did God rescue Jesus? How was He safe in His service to God?” Jesus was secure in His faith that God would raise Him from the dead even if He died serving God. The enemy may take our physical life, but the enemy can never take away God’s gift of eternal life.

By grace and through faith, let us attempt to serve God without fear.

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“God’s part: We have been rescued from our enemies.

Our part: So we can serve God without fear.Luke1:78”

Hebrews 11:32-50 shows three characteristics of people who live by faith: longing, dedication, and obedience. I will begin to pray for the SEACON period from now on. I will prepare myself to live a life of Hebrew:32 without fear and with a heart that washes the feet of others. Like Esther’s confession, “If I perish, I perish.” Esther 4:15

Lord, please open my heart and ready for the SEACON, spiritually, mentally and physically!

Thank you, Jesus!

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