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Redirected to Jesus


Today’s Reading: Proverbs 3:11-18

Proverbs 3:11 — My child don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when He corrects you.

God promises redirection. God corrects and redirects His children. Children can be foolish and make bad choices. Because they lack wisdom and discernment, children can wander down a path that leads to trouble. 

Sometimes children do not want to listen to the voices of their elders and teachers who are saying, “Stop! Turn around! Come back to the right way!” This is where discipline and correction must step in to redirect wayward children.

Believers can be childish in different areas of their lives. They can set their hearts on things that are not spiritually good and set off down paths that lead away from truth and life. Believers can be stubborn, insist that they are right, and refuse to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. 

The Lord will discipline those that He loves to redirect them into the paths of wisdom. God tells us to not be upset with Him and reject His correction. God only wants what is best for our lives, and this is only found in relationship with Him.

Is Jesus really the only way to experience true love, joy, peace, and happiness? Yes. The world, the flesh, and the devil will tell you otherwise, but only Jesus can satisfy the longings of our souls. You can look elsewhere for contentment that endures, but you will not find it apart from Jesus. Let God redirect you to Jesus all day long. It will be well with your soul!

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Jun 13, 2024

…06/13/2024 Devotional

“Believers can be stubborn, insist that they are right, and refuse to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.”

The pastor who gave me critical advices was the greatest blessing in my life.Also, the pastor's wife, who was straightforward and didn't hesitate to tell me what I must to listen. God was disciplined me through these people. This is still being done at GMC today, and I am thankful for it.

Don’t avoid it!

2024년 6월 13일 묵상

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