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Today’s Reading: Psalm 130

Psalm 130:7 — O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with Him is plentiful redemption.

God promises complete redemption. The psalmist cried to God from out of the depths. The psalmist was drowning in distress and despair when he called out for God’s mercy and help. Perhaps the psalmist realized his life was a big mess and could not see any way for him to recover or escape.

When we see no hope for us, true hope is near. 

My flesh — the sinful, selfish, proud, autonomous-from-God nature that runs my life to ruin — cannot redeem me. All my efforts at self-redemption are like putting a fresh coat of paint on a condemned building destined for demolition. I cannot redeem myself. I cannot be my own savior. 

On my own, I am a hopeless mess underneath whatever facade I present to fool others.

But then there is our true hope, Jesus Christ. Jesus does not mark my iniquities. He forgives me, loves me, and completely redeems me. Jesus is the ray of sunshine that blazes over the horizon at dawn to drive away the darkness. 

Jesus’ redemption does not make me less bad than I was; His redemption saves me from who and what I was and makes me new. Redemption gives my life value and purpose and certain hope that all will be well with my soul. 

I was a condemned building, ruined by my rebellion against God. Now I am the temple of the Holy Spirit, beautified by my relationship with God. 

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Aug 08, 2024



"When we see no hope for us, true hope is near."

I agree with it.👍

There are many treasures in the world. However, none of these exits forever.

There is no hope, but I have a place to go where Jesus is.

Thank you, Lord!

08/08/2024 묵상

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