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Perfect Peace

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 26:1-9

Isaiah 26:3 — You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

God promises perfect peace. The Hebrew text of Isaiah 26:3 says “You will keep him in shalom shalom whose mind is stayed on You.” Shalom means completeness, soundness, well-being, and peace. Isaiah prophesied of a day when the people of Judah would sing a song to the Lord, praising Him for His shalom shalom, His perfect peace.

The text tells us that we are kept (guarded as if by watchmen) in complete peace when our minds (our thoughts) are fixed on God, confidently trusting Him for our security. We can see that how we think affects how we feel and what state we are in. 

When we think properly about God, we will trust Him absolutely. When we trust God, we will be surrounded by His perfect peace. 

How can we think properly about God? Read God’s Word. Study and meditate on what God reveals about Himself. Look at the life of Jesus, the God-man, and listen to what He says about Himself and about the Father and the Holy Spirit. Read the stories of God’s faithfulness to His people and of His great love for sinners like you and me. 

When you are convinced of God’s great love and care for you, you will trust Him with your life and be immersed in shalom shalom. Peace begins when the mind and the heart embrace the God of peace (Romans 15:33; 16:20). We can have complete well-being, soundness of mind, and peace in our hearts through Christ today. Think about His love.

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“How can we think properly about God? Read God’s Word. Study and meditate on what God reveals about Himself.”

As I meditate in the morning, the word of the Lord enters my heart. As I live each day with that mindset,

that verse or portion of Scripture brings me the situation that I can apply it. On days when I don't have this meditation time, I very often find my self making decisions and actions that have nothing to do with the word of the Lord.

I need you with your perfect peace.

Thank you Jesus!

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