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Our Sins Are Gone


Today’s Reading: Hebrews 8:6-13

Hebrews 8:12 — For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.

God promises to forget. God chooses not to remember our wrongdoings and our sins. He will never bring up our sins to us because Christ died for our sins. 

The blood of Jesus paid for our sins and sin itself has been crucified and buried. Through our union with Christ, we have died to the dominion of sin and been raised as new sinless creations. Christ in me never sins, but the old Adam nature in me does sin when I let him.

As a new creation in Christ, I have no sin. God will not remember our sins and accuse us. Satan does that. He accuses us day and night to make us believe that we still are slaves to him and his kingdom. But that is untrue. We are no longer slaves under sin’s dominion, but free sons and daughters of God.

God’s mercy and grace have dealt with our past, are working in our present, and will present us complete in Christ in the future. When we stand before Christ at the Bema Seat Judgment, Jesus will not say anything about our sins, only what was accomplished in our lives by grace through faith.

Since God does not remember our sins, should we? No. Jesus paid for every sin, so they are no longer mine to dwell on. I have no right to dig up what Christ has buried. I also should see my brothers and sisters in Christ, not in their flesh. I should forgive as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven me. 

Thank you, Jesus, for never forsaking or forgetting me and for seeing me only in Your Son, not my sins.

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10 ago 2024



“ I have no right to dig up what Christ has buried. I also should see my brothers and sisters in Christ, not in their flesh.”

When I see my brothers and sisters in Christ, they are all much better than me.

Then I apply this God’s word: “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This makes me so humble.I have no right to dig up what Christ has done for us.

Thank you, Jesus!

2024년 8월 11일 묵상

“나에게는 그리스도께서 행하신 일을 파헤칠 권리가 없습니다. 나도 내 형제자매들을 육신의 눈으로 보지 않고 그리스도 안에서 보기를 원합니다.”

그리스도의 눈으로 형제자매들을 보면 모두 나보다 훨씬…

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