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Not Alone


\Today’s Reading: John 16:28-33

John 16:32 — Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with Me.

God promises to be with us. Sometimes we want to be alone, but no one wants to feel lonely. Loneliness and social isolation can lead to mental illness, emotional distress, dementia, suicide, and poor health behaviors like smoking, poor sleep, and physical inactivity. God created a companion for Adam after He said, “It is not good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18).

Jesus spent time away from people to be alone with God in prayer. At the very beginning of His ministry, the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness where Jesus spent forty days alone with God, except for those times Satan came to tempt Him (Mark 1:12). Before and after spending times preaching to people, performing miracles, or healing people, Jesus spent time alone to either prepare Himself or recover (Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12; Matthew 14:23).

As Jesus prepared Himself to face betrayal, the angry mobs, and crucifixion, He went to the Garden of Gethsemane and spent time agonizing in prayer (Mark 14:32). Luke wrote, “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Luke 5:16). But being alone with God for seasons of prayer and communion with Him is not the same as social isolation and loneliness. As Jesus said, “I am not alone, for the Father is with Me.”

When Jesus knew that His time with the disciples was coming near to an end, He told them that He would not leave them as orphans but send a Helper, a Comforter to be with them, who would also live inside of them (John 14:16-30). Jesus promised that He would be with us always and never forsake us (Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5-6).

Jesus also instituted the church which is His body here on earth to be a place where we can gather to fellowship with Him through relationships with other believers. This world can be a very lonely place for believers if they forsake the assembling of themselves together (Hebrews 10:25). Let us not be socially isolated and lonely, but part of a spiritual family of faith whenever possible. Also, let us take time away from the world to rest with the Lord (Luke 6:31).

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1 Comment

Sep 20, 2024



“Jesus also instituted the church which is His body here on earth to be a place where we can gather to fellowship with Him through relationships with other believers .”

It is raining.

If you have a place to stay, it is blessing.

We have our pastor who always send every day devotional word. It is our privilege.

It is Saturday.

If you are invited to be a place where we can gather to fellowship with Him. It is because you are special!

Thank you, Jesus!

Allowed us to be together!



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