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Mother-like Love


Isaiah 66:13 — As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.

The Lord has a wonderful way with words to express His heart toward us. God says that He will comfort us as a mother comforts the child she loves. A mother’s comforting love is a taste of God’s love for us.

As a child, there were times I was frightened, hurt, sick, and sad. Who was there to comfort me, to calm my fears, dry my tears, bind my wounds, and nurse me back to health? My mother.

God is listening like a mother listens for her child’s cry, ready to give whatever care is needed. God is not a cold, unfeeling, impersonal deity made of gold or stone. Jesus Himself said, “How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings” (Matthew 23:37). The warm embrace of a mother has healed many hurts.

There have been many times when I have asked the Lord to wrap me in His arms and hold me like His child close to His heart. I need to experience the love of God personally so that I can love Him and others. I need the security that comes from being loved by my Maker and Savior who gives me value through the love of the Cross.

Child of God, lean in to the covering and comfort of the Lord’s love today.

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13 ม.ค.

01/13/2025 Devotional

"I need the security that comes from being loved by my Maker and Savior who gives me value through the love of the Cross."

Proverbs 3:11-12 NLT

[11] My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. [12] For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.

01/13/2025 묵상

"저는 십자가의 사랑을 통해 저를 귀하게 여기시는 창조주, 구세주께서 주시는 사랑안에서 안정감이 필요합니다."

잠언 3:11-12 RNKSV

[11] 아이들아, 주님의 훈계를 거부하지 말고, 그의 책망을 싫어하지 말아라. [12] 주님은, 당신이 사랑하시는 사람을 꾸짖으시니, 마치 귀여워하는 아들을 꾸짖는 아버지와 같으시다.



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