Isaiah 35:8 — And there will be a highway called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not travel it—only those who walk in the Way—and fools will not stray onto it.
Isaiah wrote that the redeemed will walk on the Way of Holiness (Isaiah 35:9). Are you one of God’s redeemed? Have you put your faith in the blood of the Lamb of God for your salvation? If you have been saved by the grace of Jesus, you are one of those privileged to walk in the Way.
The first believers called their faith “the Way.” It was not until later that these people were called “Christians” and their faith was called “Christianity.” Jesus called Himself “the Way” in John 14:6. Our Savior is the Way of Holiness, for He is the way we have been made holy.
Fools—those who walk in their own unclean ways, in the vanity of their minds—do not travel the Way of Holiness. They do not stray into it because the ignorance of pride keeps them from knowing Jesus. They may see and hear Him, as many did when Jesus walked this earth, but they do not choose to know Him personally.
Some people scoff at Christians and their holiness, as though being holy is something to be mocked and avoided. But, O how precious it is to be holy, since God is holy! To be declared holy because of our relationship with Christ is one of the greatest blessings we could ever receive by grace. To be able to walk as a pilgrim and a disciple in the Way of Holiness—in Christ—is a priceless gift.
Lord, keep us in the Way today. May we walk in holiness as You are holy, not by our own merit, but by the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
01/31/2025 Devotional
"Jesus called Himself “the Way” in John 14:6. Our Savior is the Way of Holiness, for He is the way we have been made holy.
Fools-They may see and hear Him, as many did when Jesus walked this earth, but they do not choose to know Him personally."
Proverbs 6:14-15 NLT
[14] Their perverted hearts plot evil, and they constantly stir up trouble. [15] But they will be destroyed suddenly, broken in an instant beyond all hope of healing.
01/31/2025 묵상
"예수님은 요한복음 14:6에서 자신을 "길"이라고 부르셨습니다. 우리 주님은 거룩함의 길이십니다. 그분은 우리가 거룩하게 되기위한 길이십니다.
어리석은 자들-그들은 예수님이 이 땅에 계실 때 많은 사람들이 그랬듯이 그분의 사역을 보고 들을 수 있었지만, 그분을 개인적으로 알고자 하지 않았습니다."