Ezekiel 11:16 — Thus says the Lord God: “Though I removed them far off among the nations, and though I scattered them among the countries, yet I have been a sanctuary to them for a while in the countries where they have gone.”
Even though God, as a good Father, chastised His wayward children by removing them to far-off nations, He never abandoned them. Wherever God scattered them, He remained a sanctuary for them.
The word “sanctuary” means “a holy place set apart for communion with God.” The exiles were far away from their homeland, but they did not have to be far from God. God was available to commune with them wherever they ended up.
Jonah could commune with God at the bottom of the sea in the belly of a great fish. The three Hebrew boys could fellowship with the Lord in the midst of the fiery furnace in Babylon. Hagar spoke to God and received His provision in the arid desert when she and her son were nearly dead. David said that, even if he made his bed in the grave, God would still find him and be a sanctuary for him.
At work, home, school, or play, God is right there with you to be your sanctuary, your holy place of escape from the corruption that is in this world. You can step right into the realm of the Spirit at any moment, for He dwells in you. Pray, “Jesus, fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit so that I am living in You at this moment. Jesus, be my sanctuary.”
Surrender yourself to your holy sanctuary, Jesus Christ.
01 Devotional
"At work, home, school, or play, God is right there with you to be your sanctuary, your holy place of escape from the corruption that is in this world."
I often think about God’s word that I myself am the temple of God, but I deeply sympathize with the words that every place I belong to can become the temple of the Lord. It makes me look at myself and my surroundings in a new way.
01/14/2025 묵상
“직장에서든, 집에서든, 학교에서든, 놀이터에서든, 하나님은 바로 그 곳에 여러분과 함께 계시어 여러분의 성전 , 이 세상의 부패함을 피하는 거룩한 곳이 됩니다.”
나는 종종 나 자신이 하나님의 성전이라는 하나님의 말씀을 생각하지만, 내가 속한 모든 곳이 주님의 성전이 될 수 있다는 말씀에…