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Infinitely More


Today’s Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21

Ephesians 3:20 — Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

God promises more. God believes that more of Him is better, and He is right. Whatever God offers more of, we need more of it. The best thing about what God offers is that it is all free!

We need more wisdom, and God will give it to us freely. We need more grace, and God will give it freely. We need more love, and God will give it freely. We need more forgiveness, and God will give it freely.

This does not make these gifts cheap. Jesus Christ paid for our right to receive these things from God by shedding His precious blood. Christ’s blood is the most valuable substance in the universe, for it is the blood of God. That blood has the power to do what nothing else in this universe can do: The blood can wash a sinner totally clean and make him or her as righteous as the Son of God.

God’s power is infinite, limitless, unmeasurable. God is able to do for us what is impossible for us to do for ourselves. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life. That is impossible for any of us. Jesus loves us all unconditionally and died even for the most despicable, horrible sinners that anyone would hate. We would not do that. Jesus has forgiven us every sin. We would not do that, even for ourselves.

And the Holy Spirit has committed Himself completely to us, to live inside of us and be part of us forever, even when we quench and grieve Him. The Spirit has made it impossible for Himself to ever leave or forsake us. Oh, what God has done and what God will do! We just have to wait and see the unimaginable, wonderful things God will accomplish in our lives through His grace.

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06 de out. de 2024

10/06/2024 Devotional

"God’s power is infinite, limitless, unmeasurable. God will accomplish in our lives through His grace."

.....I am Amazed that You love me,

I am Amazed how You care.

Through Your precious blood I have found pardon,

and my sins are washed, they are all washed away,

all my sins are washed, You broke sin's power, set me free!

My sins are washed, all washed away! Amen!!

Thank you, Jesus!

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