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Grace Rewards

Today’s Reading: Luke 14:7-14

Luke 14:14 — Then at the resurrection of the righteous, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you.

God promises present and future rewards. God wants to reward His children. He is always looking for a reason to reward them. When we live by faith in humble obedience to God’s commandments, He is pleased, and He finds some way to reward us.

We have a concept of rewards being earned. “If I do this well, I will be rewarded with a high grade, with a cash bonus, a pay raise, a promotion at my job, a gold medal, some sort of prestigious recognition, etc.” But God’s rewards are based on His grace, not on our ability to perform.

God’s commandment is to love—to love God, to love our neighbor, and to love one another in the body of Christ. But can I do that in my own strength? Perhaps for a season I can, but not in a spiritual way. My love will eventually, inevitably fail, even if I sincerely desire to please God by keeping His commandment to love.

To spiritually love people requires that I surrender my life at Christ’s cross in humility and ask God by faith to love through me. It is at the cross that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit to love spiritually. By grace, God will love through me.

God is doing the work of loving through me, and I am rewarded! I am rewarded by being used by God and become more like Jesus Christ in the process. I will be rewarded in the future for the work of grace God did through me. I think this is why we cast all of our crowns of reward down at Jesus’ feet. Jesus deserves the glory. Our reward is simply to be known and loved by Him.

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“I am rewarded by being used by God and become more like Jesus Christ in the process.”

I was thinking I am doing for God. Actually it is reward and privilege by God.

So that I get to know him better and grow up every day.

Thank you Jesus!

...2024년 6월 28일 묵상

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