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God Sees All


Today’s Reading: Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18

Jeremiah 23:25 — Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.

God promises to see us in secret places. God sees us no matter where we are. If you are a born again Christian, the Holy Spirit lives inside you, so there is nowhere you can go without Him being there. He sees what you see, hears what you hear, knows what you are doing, thinking, and feeling, and He is always ready to help, to comfort, to teach, to quicken, and to guide.

We cannot hide anything from God. We can delude ourselves into thinking that we never thought, never said, or never did something, but the Holy Spirit knows the truth even when we try to hide it from ourselves because of guilt and shame.

When I sin, my sin has already been paid for by the sacrifice of Christ, but my sin still has an effect on my life. Sin takes me out of the new man that is in fellowship with the life of Christ and leaves me to the emptiness of the old man who has no relationship with Christ.

It is no use denying my sin. Denial only perpetuates the experience of living outside of spiritual life where Satan’s accusations and condemnations torment my soul. There is no secret sin as far as the Holy Spirit is concerned. He knows, and He encourages us to quickly confess our sin so that we will experience our forgiveness and cleansing in Christ.

Thank God that He exposes our sins so that we can forsake them and run into His arms of mercy and grace like the Prodigal Son who returned to His Father. Thank God that where sin abounds, grace abounds much, much more!

Lord, we thank you for making a way for us to be forgiven and accepted in Your Son, Jesus, so that we can have a life relationship with You.

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Oct 04, 2024

10/04/2024 Devotional

"Thank God that where sin abounds, grace abounds much, much more! "

My old sinful nature died a long time ago.

But my schdow of sins still has an effect on my life. I can not give away to God everything. I am still confused about what God's part and my part are.

Nevertheless, thank God! I have a fellowship with the life of Christ and step by step exiting me to the emptiness of the old man who has no relationship with Christ. I love Jesus! You are my life.

10/04/2024 경건의 말씀

"죄가 많은 곳에 은혜가 훨씬, 훨씬 더 많이 넘치니 하나님께 감사합니다!"

내 옛 죄스러운 본성은 오래 전에 죽었습니다.

하지만 내 죄의 싹은 여전히 ​​내…



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