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God's Wonderful Way of Love


Today’s Reading: Psalm 17:1-9

Psalm 17:7 — Show me Your unfailing love in wonderful ways. By Your mighty power You rescue those who seek refuge from their enemies.

God promises to show us His love. In the Broadway musical My Fair Lady, Eliza sings, “Don't talk of stars, burning above, if you're in love, show me!” Many men had confessed their love for Eliza, but none of them had shown her love by holding her in their arms. Our God is not shy to show His love for us.

David said that God showed His love by protecting him from his enemies. God showed His love to David by answering his prayers. God showed David His love by visiting him in the night, in the time of darkness when David was lonely. What wonderful ways God used to show His unfailing love for David!

Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). But were we Christ’s friends when He died for us? No. Romans 5:8 says, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 

This is the most wonderful way that God has shown His love for us — He gave His life for us to save us from everlasting death while we were “still sinners” and enemies of God. Show me anyone else who would give up all he has, including his life, for an enemy who may reject that act of love. Only God is that wonderful.

Whenever we see a cross, it ought to remind us of the wonderful, unfailing love of God for us. At the cross we find Christ’s divine protection. At the cross we meet Jesus and pour out our prayers. At the cross the Lord visits us in our night seasons to comfort and assure us of His abiding presence. Thank you, Jesus, for the love shown at the cross.

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Jul 21, 2024



“He gave His life for us to save us from everlasting death while we were “still sinners” and enemies of God.”

We have the freedom to worship and praise loudly wherever we want, but I am grateful to the staffs of GMC who worked hard for our friends of faith who could not do so. Because of our small effort, about 90 godly friends were able to praise, listen to the Word, and fellowship to their heart's content. If you can do it, it is a great opportunity to participate in the love of Christ. Thank you, Jesus!

2024년 7월 21일 묵상

“그분은 우리가 “아직 죄인”이고 하나님의 원수였을 때 우리를 영원한 죽음에서 구원하시기 위해 당신의 생명을 주셨습니다.”


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