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God's Property


Today’s Reading: Romans 8:31-39

Philippians 3:12 — Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own.

God promises no one will snatch us from His hand. Paul said, “Christ Jesus has made me His own.” We belong to Jesus. How do we show ownership of our property? We put our name on it. God has done the same thing. 

Wax seals imprinted by a king’s signet ring showed that a document had been officially signed by him. We have been sealed with His Holy Spirit. God’s royal signature is upon us: Property of Jesus. In Revelation 14, the 144,000 Jewish preacher boys had God the Father’s name written on their foreheads, and the enemy could not touch them without God’s permission.

The world, the flesh, and the devil may try to separate us from the love of God, but they cannot. The enemy may try to accuse us, but God has justified us so that in God’s eyes we are just as if we have never sinned. The enemy may try condemn us, but Jesus is interceding for us with His blood by which He redeemed us. Paul said, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” No one.

You and I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. God did not spare (withhold) His own Son to pay the price to make us His own. God gave what He loved the most, what He valued the most, to save our souls from eternal hell and make us fit for eternal heaven. God loves us that much. There is no greater love.

Jesus said, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). Your name and mine is engraved in the nail scars in Jesus’ hands. Not only are we permanently in Jesus’ hands, but we are held in God the Father’s hands too (John 10:29). The eternal hands of the Almighty hold you today. Hold onto His hand.

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