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God's Gracious Guidance

Today’s Reading: Psalm 25

Psalm 25:20 — Oh, guard my soul, and deliver me! Let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in You.

God promises gracious guidance. David wrote Psalm 25 to ask the Lord to be gracious to him and lead him in the Lord’s pathways. We all tend to misread the map or to misunderstand the voice navigation system in the car. We set off with the best intentions of going the right way, but somehow we end up in the wrong place.

David realized this tendency to deviate from the Lord’s way, and he pleaded with God for help. He needed God to teach him the right way and to have mercy and to forget his transgressions. Without God’s gracious guidance, David knew that he would be hopelessly lost.

David mentions loneliness, affliction, troubles, distresses, and sins. He speaks of his feet being caught in a net and about foes that violently hate him. How can David escape and overcome all these miseries? Only the Lord can help him.

“Guard my soul! Deliver me! Let me not be put to shame!” David cries. When we find ourselves in a dark or dangerous place from which we can see no way out, what do we do? We call out for God’s help and guidance. “Show me the way, Lord! Light your pathway for my feet to take.”

God instructs sinners in the way and teaches the humble His way. Thank God that He is a gracious teacher who gladly leads and guides us when we humbly turn our hearts to Him. Teach us, Lord, to listen and to follow Your way.

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“Thank God that He is a gracious teacher who gladly leads and guides us when we humbly turn our hearts to Him.”

God is my navigation and guidance.

How to think with God?

Read the Bible, God’s word and meditate it then apply to my life!

Then his peace will guard my heart and mind as I live in Jesus Christ.Philippians 4:7

Thank you, Jesus!



“우리가 겸손하게 마음을 그분께 돌릴 때, 그분이 우리를 기꺼이 인도하시는 은혜로운 선생님이시니 감사합니다.”

하나님은 나의 항해자이자 인도자이십니다.

하나님과 함께 생각하는 방법은?

성경과 하나님의 말씀을 읽고 묵상한 다음 내 삶에 적용하세요!

그러면 그의 평화가 예수 그리스도 안에서 사는 동안 내 마음과 생각을 지켜줄 것입니다. 빌립보서 4:7

감사합니다, 예수님!

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