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God Our Guide


Today’s Reading: Psalm 37:21-31

Psalm 37:24 — Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.

God promises to be our guide. In Acts 9, Saul is blinded by the glory of Jesus, and he has to be led by the hand into the city of Damascus. When you cannot see where you are going, it is helpful to have a guide. The guide can see the obstacles in the way and can keep you from straying from the path. All you must do is listen to the guide’s voice and trust and hold onto the guide’s hand.

Isaiah presented a picture of the Lord being our guide in Isaiah 30:21. He wrote, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it,' when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” God speaks to us through the words of Scripture and through His Spirit to keep us from tripping over temptations and chasing bad choices.

We all have blind spots, weaknesses that keep us from seeing correctly. We need a guide whose hand we hold, or we will fall into something we never saw coming. Why do people fall into heresy? It is because they are led away by their own desires. They hear another voice and follow it. This is why it is so important to make the Lord your only guide.

A guide is essential when we are hurt or weak and need someone to lean on in order to keep moving forward. As an old man, Moses wrote about God’s everlasting arms underneath His people to uphold them (Deuteronomy 33:27). Jesus said that Peter would have someone dress and carry him when he was old.

When we keep God’s words in our heart, our feet do not slip on our spiritual journey. Our feet are connected to our hearts. Likewise, our mouths are connected to our hearts. Our tongues will not slip and say shameful things when our hearts are being guided by God’s words (Psalm 37:30-31). 

Guide our hearts by Your Word and Your Spirit today, O Lord!

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