Today’s Reading: Isaiah 61:1-2
Luke 4:21 — And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
God promises to fulfill Scripture. There are many examples of Scripture being fulfilled in the Bible. Jesus Himself pointed out that Scripture was being fulfilled in His life. God fulfills Scripture so that we can be confident that His Word is trustworthy. God wants us to believe what He has said so that we live by every word of God (Matthew 4:4).
And taking the twelve, he said to them, “See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written about the Son of Man by the prophets will be accomplished. For he will be delivered over to the Gentiles and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit upon. And after flogging him, they will kill him, and on the third day he will rise” (Luke 18:31-33).
Jesus wanted His disciples to know that what was going to happen to Him had been predicted by the Scriptures, so that they would know that God was in control of everything. Jesus did not want them to fear but have their faith grow. When we realize that the Bible is 100 percent accurate in its fulfilled prophecies, our faith ought to be strengthened.
When Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, it was a shocking experience for the disciples, but Jesus said, “All this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Jesus was essentially saying, “Fear not. God said this would happen. He is in control.”
Right now, we are living in times that the Bible foretold. Yes, there are scary things happening in the world, but God said that these things would happen in the time before Christ’s return. Instead of being afraid or angry with God about what is happening, we should be stirred up in our hearts and souls to believe and trust God’s Word all the more for our daily lives.
Proverbs 30:5 — Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
10/30/2024 Devotional
"Proverbs 30:5 — Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him."
Hebrews 10:23 NLT
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
God's timing is not a delay, but perfect timing. Has God's promise planted in your life not yet been fulfilled? Let's not give up. God's clock is different from our clock. I, who live by holding on to the Word today, am waiting for God's perfect timing.
10/30/2024 묵상
잠언 30:5 RNKSV
"하나님의 말씀은 모두 순결하며, 그분은 그를 의지하는 사람의 방패가 되신다."
히브리서 10:23 RNKSV
" 또 우리에게 약속하신 분은 신실하시니, 우리는 흔들리지 말고, 우리가…