Today’s Reading: Acts 17:22-31
Genesis 28:16 — When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”
God promises His holy presence in our lives. Paul was invited to speak to a group of prominent Athenian leaders and thinkers who were interested in Paul’s “new teaching.” Paul used this opportunity to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, saying that the “unknown god” the Athenians worshiped was actually the Creator of all things who gives life and breath to all humanity.
The God Paul spoke of was not far from any of them, and was—as a Greek poet had written— the one in whom “we live and move and have our being.” Paul’s God was not living in a temple made of white limestone, could not be chiseled from marble into an idol, and had no need of anything. Indeed, the God of Paul asked for nothing but desired to give life everyone.
Long before this meeting in Athens, Jacob had a night vision in which the Lord appeared and spoke to him. God spoke and told Jacob, “I will give to you [this land] . . . I am with you and will keep you wherever you go . . . I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” Jacob awoke and realized that God was in that place with him.
Both Jacob and Paul knew the same God. God was with them, never far from them, always ready to give life, and always doing what He had promised to do for them. God has not changed. The Lord’s presence is near you now as you read these words. He is sustaining your physical life and He desires to impart eternal, spiritual life to you if you will only receive it through your relationship to His Word and His Spirit.
Morning, noon, and night, good weather or bad, no matter what the circumstance or situation may be, God is present in the place where you are to execute the promise He made through the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is saving, delivering, giving wisdom and understanding, and sharing love, joy, and peace to all who turn to Him in humble belief in the person and work of Jesus.
“God has not changed. The Lord’s presence is near you now as you
read these words.”
I sadly pray for my children who are far away, Lord, who is closest! Please heal and guide them. I do your work and pray with tears. Lord, make it happen!
...2024년 4월 14일 묵상
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가장 가까이 계신 주님, 멀리 있는 자녀들을 위해 애타게 기도합니다! 그들을 치유하시고 인도해 주십시오. 나는 주의 일을 합니다 그리고 눈물로 기도합니다. 주님, 아이들을 치유해 주세요!