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God Honors Faith in Him


Today’s Reading: Psalm 126

Psalm 126:6— He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.

God promises to honor our faith. Psalm 126 was probably written by exiles returning to Jerusalem. They would have been celebrating a journey up to the city of Jerusalem to worship at the temple. Their mouths were filled with laughter and shouts of joy because of how God had restored them.

In verse 6, the people wept as they planted seeds of grain. They wept because they could have used the grain to feed themselves. The people had to sow by faith. Instead of eating the grain now, they had to believe that God would reward their faith with a harvest later on.

In 1 Kings 17, God directed the prophet Elijah to the home of a poor widow and her son who were about to starve to death. Elijah told the widow to take her last flour and oil and make a meal for him. By faith, the widow prepared a meal for Elijah instead of feeding herself and her son. God blessed her faith obedience with a constant supply of flour and oil to feed herself, her son, and Elijah.

Faith can seem scary at times. We can doubt God’s Word or speculate if what we heard was really the Holy Spirit’s still, small voice, and we could end up balking at taking a risk of faith. But the Bible shows time and time again that those who take steps of faith obedience see God honor their faith.

Noah built an ark by faith and his family was saved. Abraham offered his son Isaac by faith and received an even greater blessing. Jesus obeyed His Father’s will by faith and died on the cross, but He was raised up and made the Author of Salvation who gave us eternal life. 

You may shed some tears, perhaps trembling to take a step of faith that may cost you something, but God will give you a reason to shout for joy in the end.

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Aug 05, 2024



“Those who take steps of faith and obedience see God honor their faith.”

Yes, I shed some tears. I am trembling to take a step of faith, but I have confidence in God.

He will give me joy in the end. Thank you, Jesus!

08/05/2024. 묵상

“믿음과 순종의 발걸음을 내딛는 사람은 하나님께서 그들의 믿음을 존중하시는 것을 봅니다.”

네, 눈물이 좀 났어요. 나는 믿음의 발걸음을 내딛기 위해 떨고 있지만 하나님을 신뢰합니다.

그는 결국 나에게 기쁨을 줄 것입니다. 주님,감사합니다!



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