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Today’s Reading: 1 John 1:5-10

1 John 1:9 —  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

God promises to forgive. David said that he was conceived in sin, meaning that from the start of his existence he had a sin nature. Nobody had to teach David to sin. Sinning was natural to him because of his sin nature, and the same is true for every human being. We are born in need of God’s forgiveness.

One of God’s greatest gifts to us sinners is His divine forgiveness. Blessedly, God is rich in mercy. He loves giving mercy to people who turn to Him in humility, confess their sins, and are willing to receive His forgiveness. The blood of Jesus Christ washes the sinner clean from head to toe when he or she believes and receives Christ as Savior.

Do you understand what the blood of Christ has accomplished for you? His blood has paid an insurmountable debt, a debt we could never pay even if we lived a billion lifetimes. We were destitute, doomed to eternal destruction in hell, without hope. But our merciful, forgiving God sent Jesus to die in our place for all our sins to give us His righteousness.

Righteous! Can you believe it? God sees you as righteous in Christ! Why? Because you have been forgiven. When you placed your faith in Jesus and made Him the hope of your salvation, you were declared to be righteous, just like you had never sinned. “Amazing love! How can it be that Thou my God should die for me?”

So when you sin today at some point, confess it quickly. Don’t try to deny it or hide it. Bring your sin into the light of truth to name it and forsake it. Your sins are under the blood of Jesus already, but for the sake our your relationship with Christ, you must have your feet washed so you can fellowship with Him at the table of righteousness. 

What can wash away your sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Live forgiven.

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“God sees you as righteous in Christ! Why? Because you have been forgiven.”

He did not ask me what to do. I don’t have to be better. He accepts me just as I am. Even though I am a sinner, he forgives me. Who can do for me like him?

Thank you Jesus!

You sees me as righteous in Christ.

Praise the Lord!

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