Today’s Reading: 2 Timothy 2:3-13
2 Timothy 2:11 — This is a trustworthy saying: If we die with Him, we will also live with Him.
God promises an exchanged life. In Charles Dickens’ novel “A Tale of Two Cities,” Sydney Carton takes Charles Darnay’s place in prison. Darnay goes free and Carton is executed instead. This is an example of an exchanged life.
Jesus Christ is the best example of an exchanged life. Jesus was condemned and crucified in our place on the cross. The wrath of God against sin was poured out on Christ instead of us.
We can exchange our sinful lives for Christ’s righteous, eternal life. If we die with Christ — if we reckon ourselves as having died with Him on the cross — we will experience the peace and power of Christ’s resurrection life. Jesus takes the filthy rags of our self-righteousness, and, in exchange, we receive His royal robe of divine righteousness.
On a daily basis, we have the opportunity to live an exchanged life. If we are willing to live in self-sacrificing love for others, Jesus promises to give us His life and power. Perhaps it is difficult for me to forgive someone, but I desire to obey God and forgive. When I am willing to die to my desire to be angry, resentful, or bitter, Jesus will give me the power of His merciful love, so that I can forgive and bring life to a relationship.
Paul wrote, “I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31). He faced death every day, not only physically, but spiritually; he died to his natural desires. Paul was willing to revisit the cross every day so that others might live through the life he received from Jesus Christ. To die to self is great gain. Let us experience the peace and power of an exchanged life today.
“If we die with Christ — if we reckon ourselves as having died with Him on the cross.”
The believer there sees not only that Christ die for him-substitution-but that he died with Christ-identification.”(from thoughts of Life and Godliness)
Since I died with Christ, my old sin nature died with Christ. Since then, my eyes looking at the world have been changing. I can't do it, but God can. I can't do it, but the Lord works through me.
Thank you, Jesus!
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