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Everything You Desire


Psalm 145:19 — He fulfills the desire of those who fear Him; He also hears their cry and saves them.

Whoever wrote Psalm 145 was inspired to exalt the Lord and proclaim the greatness of God’s power and acts of divine goodness. Every verse of this psalm glorifies God’s character and nature and gives reasons for us to trust God and praise Him every day. Two of those reasons are found in verse nineteen: God grants the desires of those who fear Him, and He hears their cries for help and rescues them.

When we fear God—when we lovingly reverence Him by listening to His word and obeying it—the Lord grants our desires. No, the Lord is not like the genie from Aladdin’s lamp who said, “Your wish is my command.” We are not God’s master, but He is our Master. When we honor Him and obey His word, our desires align with His, and we say, “Not my will, but Your will be done, O Lord.”

When God is our gracious Master, and we acknowledge Him as our Creator and Redeemer, we know who to call on in times of trial and trouble. We know that God loves us because He has already given His life for us, so we should never hesitate for one second to cry out to God, “Save me!” We should never let pride stand in the way of seeking God’s help. Jesus died to give us access to the throne of mercy and grace.

Our God is near us. The baby Jesus was Immanuel, “God with us.” When we were lost in darkness and depravity, God did not withdraw Himself. God came to us and dwelled among us to bring us the light of truth, grace, and righteousness. God created us to have a relationship with Him, if we will only accept Him as our eternal Friend and Lord. God desires to be your friend, your father, your king, your master, your creator, your lover, your everything. God longs to be your desired One today. He is ever ready to fulfill that desire.

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Dec 19, 2024

12/19/2024 Devotional

"God longs to be your desired One today."

하나님은 오늘 당신이 원하는 사람이 되기를 갈망하십니다.

시편 138:6-7 RNKSV

[6] 주님께서는 높은 분이시지만, 낮은 자를 굽어보시며, 멀리서도 오만한 자를 다 알아보십니다. [7] 내가 고난의 길 한복판을 걷는다고 하여도, 주님께서 나에게 새 힘 주시고, 손을 내미셔서, 내 원수들의 분노를 가라앉혀 주시며, 주님의 오른손으로 나를 구원하여 주십니다.

Psalms 138:6-7 NLT

[6] Though the Lord is great, he cares for the humble, but he keeps his distance from the proud. [7] Though I am surrounded by troubles, you will protect me from the anger of my enemies. You reach out your hand, and the power of your right hand saves me.

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