Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 31:3-37
Jeremiah 31:33 — “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”
God promises to reveal Himself to us. The Lord wants everyone to know Him. God came to the earth in person about two thousand years ago. Jesus lived among us and told us about Himself and showed us God’s divine character and nature through what He said and did.
God wrote one of the best-selling books in all of history to tell us everything we need to know about Him. He also tells us why He created us, why the world is in such a sad state, and what His plan is for making everything right again.
God has made an intricately-designed universe which includes the incredible diversity of life and beauty here on our planet (which includes the wonder of human life). His creation shouts His existence and whispers to our soul of our great need for Him.
As we read what God wrote in Jeremiah 31:3-37, we can be touched by His great love and compassion for even people who deny His existence or turn their backs on Him and resist acknowledging Him as Lord of all. Ephraim (the nation of Israel) rebelled against God and yet God calls Ephraim “My dear son, My darling child” and says, “My heart yearns for him; I will surely have mercy on him.”
We are all Ephraim-like. We all were living in rebellion against God until we discovered His great love for us that He revealed in one of the infinite ways that He speaks to people. God yearns for all people to know Him and be one in relationship with Him. God spent His Son’s life so that He could spend eternity with you. God really loves you.