James 4:8 — Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.
James wrote some strong words to believers who had been living in and practicing sin as a lifestyle. He called those sinners “adulteresses” because they were being unfaithful to God, living in the pleasures of Satan’s world system.
Could this be you or me? Could we ever be seduced by the world? Yes, in some area of our life that we have not yielded and surrendered to God, we could.
The good news is that despite our unfaithfulness in that area of our lives, the Lord still yearns for us and desires us to draw near to Him. If we will humble ourselves and submit to His authority in that sinful area of our lives, if we will repent and forsake that way of living, God will give us continual, abundant grace to keep us from returning to that sin.
If we draw near to God with a contrite heart, God will be right there to restore us into right relationship with Him so that we can live an uplifted life with divine purpose. God will help us to resist the devil, the world, and our rotten flesh as we draw near to Him. In fact, the closer we are to the Lord, the less attractive the pleasures of sin become.
We should be like the bride in Song of Solomon 1:4 who says to the bridegroom (Jesus), “Draw me after You! Take me away with You! Let us run! Let us hurry!” Don’t you want Jesus to sweep you up off your feet and carry you away from temptations and lusts that spoil your relationship with Him? Let us be carried away by Jesus today!