Psalm 115:12 — The Lord has remembered us; He will bless us.
Our God is the living God who can be trusted in all things. He is our helper and our shield, and He will not forget us. God will bless us because we belong to Him, and His love is unfailing and faithful.
The devil will question God’s Word, just like he did as the serpent in the Garden of Eden. “Can you really trust God in all things?” he will say. “Are you sure that God remembers you? Look at yourself. Look at your circumstances. Are you sure God loves you? Just look at the state of the world. Where is God’s care and protection?”
The enemy will try to undermine belief in God to rob people of their joy, to steal their confidence in God’s plan, and to kill their trust in the goodness of God. The enemy will mislead and misdirect us, if he can, and turn our thoughts and our eyes and then our ways away from Jesus.
The devil is a liar and a murderer. Would you listen to a psychopath, believe him, and do what he says? I hope not. Satan is a psychopath who is determined to destroy your relationship with God and the body of Christ, the church. Don’t listen to him. Do not entertain his thoughts. Confess the truth: The Lord has remembered us; He will bless us. Trust the Lord! He is your helper and your shield.
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus only. Keep your mind set on things above. Keep your feet on the path of righteousness. Let the Lord bless you and keep you in all these things because He will.