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Citizens Who Believe


Today’s Reading: Hebrews 11:8-16

Philippians 3:20 — But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

God promises heavenly citizenship. Abraham and Sarah left the comfort of Ur and set out on a journey, not knowing where they would end up. They lived the rest of their lives in tents, moving from place to place, and dying in a foreign country far from their homeland. And they did this because they had faith in God and what He had said.

How many of us today would leave our comfortable homes behind and set out on a journey to an unknown foreign country to live in tents, if God asked us to do so? How many of us would continue to believe that God would fulfill His promise to us after waiting twenty-five years? Would you be that patient and trust God to eventually keep His word?

It is amazing how the men and women of faith in the Old Testament trusted and believed that God had something better for them, even though there was no visible evidence for it. They remained faithful to God and suffered hardships to the ends of their lives without ever seeing what God had promised. They believed that God would give to them what He had promised after they arrived in heaven.

Think about those thirteen silent years that Abraham endured, waiting to hear from God. He and Sarah grew older and older, they lived as foreigners in tents, and . . . Wait! Where was the promised child? Where was God, for that matter? God was saying nothing. And yet Abraham still believed God.

Abraham was God’s friend, and Abraham was a citizen of heaven despite his humble dwelling. He expected God to show up and keep His Word. As God’s children, we are citizens of heaven too. We are foreigners in this world, and we can expect that our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ will show up soon and keep His promise to bring us to our true home. Don’t be discouraged; be still and know that the Lord, He is God.

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Sep 13, 2024



"God was saying nothing. And yet Abraham still believed God."

2 Corinthians 13:5 NLT

[5] Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely, you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith.


Often, I experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything I can understand. Then His peace guard my heart and mind. Lord, I want to live in You, Jesus Christ. Amen.




"하나님께서 아무 말씀도 하지 않으셨습니다. 그러나 아브라함은 여전히 ​​하나님을 믿었습니다."

고린도후서 13:5 RNKSV

[5] 여러분은 자기가 믿음 안에 있는지를 스스로 시험해 보고, 스스로 검증해 보십시오. 여러분은 예수 그리스도께서 여러분 안에 계시다는 것을 알지 못합니까? 모른다면, 여러분은 실격자입니다.

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