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Christ Our Delight


Today’s Reading: Psalm 37:1-8

Psalm 37:7 — Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!

God promises to be our delight. There are some Christians who do not think it is fair that people who do wrong appear to be blessed while they, as Christians, try to do good and remain unblessed. It seems to those Christians that evil is rewarded with prosperity while their goodness receives nothing in return. They envy the unrighteous and question the goodness of God.

David said, “Don’t worry. Don’t envy. Don’t be angry and lose your temper because the wicked seem to have better lives than you do.” Is a good life defined by having more money and more things? Will having a bigger house or a more expensive car bring you true joy and peace? Will you be happier if people who do not know and follow Jesus are more miserable than you are?

The author of Hebrews wrote, “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Be content with what you have. What do we have as Christians that money cannot buy and that can never be taken away? We have Jesus Christ who will never leave nor forsake us.

Jesus Christ is the Christian’s delight. David said that instead of coveting what the ungodly have, we should trust God and delight ourselves in Him. It is in Christ that we find the truest delights of our hearts and souls, the intangible treasures that make even a beggar content with what he has. 

The beggar who delights in Jesus has the assurance of eternal life, and the confidence that he is a friend of God, a co-heir of all things with Christ Jesus. That beggar knows that he is a child of the King of kings, that he is accepted by divine love, and that he has access to the throne of grace and mercy at all times.

So commit your way to the Lord. Trust Him. You will find delight in knowing Jesus that the world cannot know unless they turn to Him. Godliness with contentment is the greatest gain.

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May 06, 2024



“Jesus Christ is the Christian’s delight.”

I don't think there's anything wrong with a Christian becoming materially successful in the world. Rather, I think that as a Christian, I'm setting a good example for everyone. However, ironically, when I have too much material things, I'm much more likely to sin and leave the Lord than when I don't have any. A blessing is a curse. This is the case. Rather, poverty is a blessing. The more you have and the more blessings you receive, the more maturity you need as a Christian. Christ must come first in my life.

Thank you Jesus!

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