Today’s Reading: Hebrews 11:35-40
Hebrews 11:40 — God had provided something better for us.
God promises something better. One of the themes of the book of Hebrews is that Jesus is better. There were many things in the Old Testament that were good, but now that Jesus has come, everything is better. There is nothing that is better than Jesus.
Parents talk about wanting to make a better life for their children. Politicians promise that they will make their town, their state, their province, or their country better. Scientists say they will make the world better through their research and discoveries. It seems that everyone wants everything to be better.
It would be strange for someone to say that they want to make things worse, but that is what we see happening in the world today. More money is spent to make education better, but schools are getting worse. We have better technology, but overall, the quality of life is worse, even though people live longer.
We need to face the fact that everything man does apart from God to make life better brings about unintended consequences that make life no better at all. The reason for this is that man’s nature does not get better apart from a relationship with God. We cannot make ourselves better without God making us better.
How does God make us better? He makes us new! God doesn’t try to improve our old sin natures; He crucifies them and buries them. God gives us a new life, a new heart, a new spirit, a new nature, and a new way of thinking and living which are all better than anything man could ever do.
Life with Jesus is better and better every day as you get closer and closer to Him. The world is getting worse and worse, so don’t expect your life here to be paradise. But you can live a better life in Christ, and one day you will have the very best life because you will be with Christ!