Today’s Reading: John 16:22-33
John 16:33 — “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
God promises encouragement. Jesus said, “You will have many trials and sorrows.” He didn’t say, “You may” but “You will.” He did not say “just a few trials and sorrows” but “many trials and sorrows.” Jesus always spoke the truth, and He said that as long as we are living on this earth, we will definitely have lots of trials and sorrows.
Was Jesus trying to discourage His disciples? He spoke about sorrow and trials, about Him leaving them, and them leaving Him. Jesus did not seem to be sharing good news on the evening before His crucifixion. But Jesus was giving them good news.
We call the message of the gospel, the “good news,” but part of that message is some bad news. The gospel tells us that we are all desperately wicked sinners without any hope of saving ourselves from God’s wrath against sin. That’s bad news, but it is the truth, and we need to realize the depth of our depravity before we can grasp the good news of God’s gracious gift of salvation.
Jesus never promised us lives without pain and problems. He said that we will have many trials and sorrows. But Jesus promised us the good news of sending His Spirit to help us, so that we can have His peace in every predicament.
We will face many dark nights in our souls, but Jesus is the light of a new day dawning just over the horizon in our hearts. Be encouraged. The Light of the world always overcomes darkness. This is good news.
" He did not say “just a few trials and sorrows” but “many trials and sorrows.”
His "good work" in us is begun through failure, and this includes our strongest points, which continue on into His success, by His performance, and not ours. And so, for the making personal of the Divine among men, the thing needed is one in whom the principle of the Divine life has become personal. From Green Letters.
Thank you, Jesus!
08/18/2024 묵상
" 그는 "단순히 몇 번의 시련과 슬픔"이 아니라 "많은 시련과 슬픔"이라고 말했습니다
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